Friday, September 01, 2006


I have known Mariel since she was 14 and her dad and I worked at the camera store together. She has always been the most intellegent/interesting person you'll ever meet. I feel blessed to have been a part of important times in her life and now is no different. Mariel came to me a few weeks ago with many changes happening in her life. Once such change is that she has decided to take her passion (acting) all the way. Mariel will be heading to New York to apply for schools of theater arts and needed head shots. So we went for a quick session down town and took these. She has the most captivating eyes which we wanted to capture them and the shoot went off with out a hitch... unless you count slipping in 1 inch deep water a hitch...haha! We will be doing at least two more sessions to put a very unique portfolio together for her. It will be a photography portfolio that shows her acting abilities..... I AM SOOOOOO EXCITED! She is up for anything.... poor girl! Anyhow here are a few shots we took a couple of weeks ago... watch for this girl she is going to rock the theater world!

PS I am so excited about, they are straight out of photoshop just a little bit of added contrast...look at her skin... it glows.


cristy cross said...

Girl where are your other posts? I want to see more. J/J I hope you are doing great.

Chicago Wedding Photojournalist said...

Definately great skin - I like the horizontal one on the stairs the best....