Friday, April 04, 2008


Marla's blog today reminded me it has been a LOOOONNNGGG time since I posted anything scooter...and since I found this gem the other day thought I would share.

Here are most (not all) of the Too Flat Scooter club fellas. Yes I said scooter club. If you are thinking about laughing bc your HOG is a REAL bike then you'll never understand. To quote my cousin "I am filled with uncontrolable joy" everytime I ride! We have a blast when we get together and even hold a pretty mean slow race! The TFSC is a great, brave, valiant group of peeps. There is even talk of taking on the Marsha Sharp over me on a scooter thats a HUGE deal!!!!

We are very happy to welcome our newest member Marla & her Scoot Suzy! *APPLAUSE*
Stole the pic of Suzy from Marla's Blog!!!!

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