Julie loves Jake
Laughter~ As i looked back through these images from 3 months ago to finally blog, I remembered the laughter. Julie and Jake are not only in love they are in, what my 12 yrs old sister and her friends refer to as "like like"! They have a BLAST together! When i met Julie at the Harvest cafe in Midland I was in "like like" with her immediately. Her laughter is contagious and makes you all happy inside. She never holds back and and always smiles/laughs with her whole being. We hit it off instantly and she hired me to shoot their amazing wedding in Minnesota (more on that later). We also decided that Albuquerque(where they live) was perfect for some kiss hiney engagement photos...so off I flew! The moment Julie & Jake picked me up from the airport I knew that Jake and I would most definitely have fun! He's the perfect yin to Julie's yang. When she laughs he does too and not in that fake isnt she cute way but in the "shes freakin awesome and I "like like' her way"! We enjoyed relaxing with Fritzie (more of her later) the wackest cat ever and sitting in there fabulous back yard in the mountains outside of town. They were perfect host/hostesses (umm thanks again guys for EVERYTHING..haha). Being the location junky that I am I was a little over whlemed by all my sick options. But with them in tow we took care of business. I was so blessed to get to spend the weekend with them and some of their uh hmmm interesting friends. It made the wedding even more special because I wasnt just there as a photographer I felt like their friend! Now the poor darlings are cruising and touring Prague for a couple of weeks... its a hard knock life for them! Enjoy the images and look for the wedding in the next couple of days. Congrats you guys... you totally ROCK!
Through pick and thin Jake will always be here galiant knight! HA! Not sure what i did but I feel like I had 100% approval on it!
Showing off her fantastic cross guard skills!
Hes a big guy... when I told him to squeeze her tight he almost crushed her....
Very serious man!
Family portrait!
You are so talented! Love these pictures. When they told her they were taking them I was like I wanna go! I've never been...maybe someday I'll be as lucky as Chloe!
What a fun session! Great job! I can't wait to hang out next week!
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